What to Do During a BMW Recall

October 5th, 2022 by

Here at BMW of Northwest Arkansas, we care about BMW drivers, whether or not you purchase a car from our dealership. This includes making sure that if a BMW recall occurs, drivers know the proper steps to take. One of the most common questions that we receive here is regarding BMW recall checks and steps to take if a recall happens.

Here is a step-by-step approach to dealing with a BMW recall.

What is a BMW Recall?

Before explaining what to do during a recall, we should first let you know what exactly we mean by BMW recall. Though BMW works hard to make its vehicles as safe as possible, sometimes the National Highway Traffic Safety Institute will initiate an auto recall when it finds a small safety defect in the vehicle or its equipment.

How to Know if Your Car Has Been Recalled

If you’re wondering if your car has been recalled, you can check the NHTSA website. You’ll simply enter the VIN of your BMW car and the website will let you know if there has been a recall issued. Another simple way to check for a BMW recall on your vehicle is to contact our BMW dealership and ask one of our friendly dealers.

Steps to Take

If you discover that your car has been recalled, it’s time to take action. Get your car fixed as soon as possible at our BMW service center at BMW of Northwest Arkansas, where our mechanics will be aware of anything that needs to be fixed. By law, you won’t have to pay for repairs if the recall is announced 10 years or less after the date of the car’s original purchase date.

Whether or not your BMW car has been recalled, you can schedule service with our certified BMW mechanics at BMW of Northwest Arkansas today.

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